Original work


Series of photos, videos and texts that I collect along the way.


Explore a selection of Vitor Schietti's fine art prints available. Delivery to any country in the world.


In its sixth edition, the Photographing the Unconscious workshop arrives for the first time in Barcelona in 2018.


Vitor was born in Brasilia (Brazil) in 1986, but feels like a citizen of the world, having travelled and lived in many countries. He currently lives in Barcelona, Spain. Vitor is passionate about rock climbing and the vegan cause,  which he dedicates himself to through the project The Vegan Utopia.

why calefaction? porque calefação?

Por que Calefação?



Llum Festival, one of my favorite festivals of Barcelona, happened exactly one month before the city went into lockdown. So while editing these pictures I took in one of the nights I was out with the camera I realized it was the last major art festival hosted by this vibrant city from a time we don’t know when and how will return.
I’ve been going every year since I moved, and it never fails to amaze and inspire me. I hope the manipulated, colored, transformed and rearranged lights of some art installations shown during those three dark, cold nights of February may do the same for you, covered in these 14 photos.
Moon installation by @lukejerramartist
Mecánicas discursivas façade 3D projection by #fredpenelle and @yannickjacquet
Cascada de luz by @nueveojos with artistic direction of @minona_s and lights by @ledscontrol
Green laser across many streets by @antoniarolaestudi
moving light drawings on Pabelleon Mies van der Rohe by @mariopasqualotto
red lasers on gardens by students Josefina Díaz, Janet Roca, Juan Manuel Sanahuja and Ivet Capellades, under tutorship of Manel Parés, all from @lsarquitectura
The gigantic cube light installation, or “Datamonolith_AI Architectural Fecha Sculpture” by @Ouchhh
Live painting projection by Pep Campos and Diego Suárez (couldn’t find them on instagram!)
and 3D mapping on the building of Universidad Pompeu Fabra by @janebeta7